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How Medicare works with other insurance
If you have Medicare and other health insurance (like from a group health plan, retiree coverage, or Medicaid), each type of coverage is called a "payer." When there's more than one payer, "coordination of benefits" rules decide who pays first. The "primary payer" pays what it owes on your bills first, and then sends the rest to the "secondary payer" (supplemental payer) to pay. In some rare cases, there may also be a third payer.
What it means to pay primary/secondary
The insurance that pays first (primary payer) pays up to the limits of its coverage.
The one that pays second (secondary payer) only pays if there are costs the primary insurer didn't cover.
The secondary payer (which may be Medicare) may not pay all the remaining costs.
If your group health plan or retiree coverage is the secondary payer, you may need to enroll in Medicare Part B before they'll pay.
If the insurance company doesn't pay the claim promptly (usually within 120 days), your doctor or other provider may bill Medicare. Medicare may make a conditional payment to pay the bill, and then later recover any payments the primary payer should've made.
How Medicare coordinates with other coverage
If you have questions about who pays first, or if your coverage changes, call the Benefits Coordination & Recovery Center at 1-855-798-2627 (TTY: 1-855-797-2627). Tell your doctor and other
health care provider about any changes in your insurance or coverage when you get care.
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Medigap (Medicare Supplement Insurance) Policies - Medicare and You Handbook
Original Medicare pays for many, but not all, health care services and supplies. A Medigap policy, sold by private insurance companies, can help pay some of the health care costs (“gaps”) that Original Medicare doesn’t cover, like copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. Some Medigap policies also offer coverage for services that Original Medicare doesn’t cover, like medical care when you travel outside the U.S. If you have Original Medicare and you buy a Medigap policy, Medicare will pay its share of the Medicare-approved amount for covered health care costs. Then your Medigap policy pays its share. Medicare doesn’t pay any of the premiums for a Medigap policy.
Every Medigap policy must follow Federal and state laws designed to protect you, and it must be clearly identified as “Medicare Supplement Insurance.” Medigap insurance companies can sell you only a “standardized” Medigap policy identified in most states by letters. All plans offer the same basic benefits but some offer additional benefits, so you can choose which one meets your needs.
Note: In Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, Medigap policies are standardized in a different way.
Medigap Plans
How to read the chart: If a check mark appears in a column of this chart, the Medigap policy covers 100% of the described benefit. If a row lists a percentage, the policy covers that percentage of the described benefit. If a row is blank, the policy doesn’t cover that benefit. Note: The Medigap policy covers coinsurance only after you have paid the deductible (unless the Medigap policy also covers the deductible).
Medigap Plans
Medigap BenefitsABCDF*G*KLMN
Medicare Part A Coinsurance and hospital costs
up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used up
Medicare Part B Coinsurance of Copayment50%75%***
Blood (First 3 Pints)50%75%
Part A Hospice Care Coinsurance or Copayment50%75%
Skilled Nursing Facility Care Coinsurance 50%75%
Medicare Part A Deductible 50%75%50%
Medicare Part B Deductible
Medicare Part B Excess Charges
Foreign Travel Emergency (Up to Plan Limits) 80%80%80%80% 80%80%
Out Of Pocket Limit **$6,220$3,110
* Plans F and G also offer a high-deductible plan in some states. With this option, you must pay for Medicare-covered costs (coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles) up to the deductible amount of $2,370 in 2021 before your policy pays anything. (You can’t buy Plans C and F if you were new to Medicare on or after January 1, 2020. See previous page for more information.)
** For Plans K and L, after you meet your out-of-pocket yearly limit and your yearly Part B deductible ($203 in 2021), the Medigap plan pays 100% of covered services for the rest of the calendar year.
***Plan N pays 100% of the Part B coinsurance. You must pay a copayment of up to $20 for some office visits and up to a $50 copayment for emergency room visits that don’t result in an inpatient admission.
Insurance companies may charge different premiums for exactly the same Medigap coverage. As you shop for a Medigap policy, be sure you’re comparing the same Medigap policy (for example, compare Plan A from one company with Plan A from another company).
In some states, you may be able to buy another type of Medigap policy called Medicare SELECT (a Medigap policy that requires you to use specific hospitals and, in some cases, specific doctors to get full coverage). If you buy a Medicare SELECT policy, you also have rights to change your mind within 12 months and switch to a standard Medigap policy.
More About Medigap Policies
You must have Part A and Part B.
You pay a monthly premium for your Medigap policy in addition to your monthly Part B premium.
A Medigap policy only covers one person. Spouses must buy separate policies.
It’s important to compare Medigap policies since the costs can vary and may go up as you get older. Some states limit Medigap costs.
The best time to buy a Medigap policy is during the 6-month period that begins on the first day of the month in which you’re 65 or older and enrolled in Part B. (Some states have additional open enrollment periods.) After this enrollment period, your option to buy a Medigap policy may be limited and it may cost more. For example, if you turn 65 and are enrolled in Part B in June, the best time for you to buy a Medigap policy is from June to November.
If you’re under 65, you won’t have this open enrollment period until you turn 65, but state law might give you a right to buy a policy before then.
If you have a Medigap policy and join a Medicare Advantage Plan (like an HMO or PPO), you may want to drop your Medigap policy. Your Medigap policy can’t be used to pay your Medicare Advantage Plan copayments, deductibles, and premiums. If you want to cancel your Medigap policy, contact your insurance company. If you drop your policy to join a Medicare Advantage Plan, in most cases you won’t be able to get it back.
If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, it’s illegal for anyone to sell you a Medigap policy unless you’re switching back to Original Medicare. Contact your State Insurance Department if this happens to you.
Information provided by: Medicare and You Handbook